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Right-party contact is vital to a variety of industries – like collections, repossession, investigators, law enforcement, and more – because it ensures that the people in these industries are getting in contact with the people they need to be getting in contact with. Unfortunately, right-party contact isn’t always easy, particularly when people don’t want to be found. Someone may try to change their telephone number or move locations, which can make it difficult to achieve right-party contact if the records you’re using are outdated. So how can you improve right-party contact? With a public and private records database and the right strategies for searching through it. Here’s 4 tips for increasing your chances of right-party contact.
Use phone appends to achieve right-party contact quicker
Phone numbers tend to be the most common way to contact someone, but unfortunately they’re not always up-to-date. For example, if you’re looking to perform debt recovery and need to contact someone about their debts, you don’t want to waste valuable time calling a number that no longer belongs to that person. Or even in healthcare, you need to be sure that the number you’re calling to transmit sensitive health information is correct. This is where phone appends come in.
Phone appends allow you to gain access to a person’s phone number by connecting other records to a person’s phone history. For example, you can search a person’s address or name in a public records search engine and gain access to information about any phone numbers that person has been linked to that person. This information can also connect them to a variety of other different records, like address history or property records, that may help you get in contact with them faster. And when you have a variety of records about someone, you can cross-check contact information like telephone numbers to increase right-party contact.
Locate relatives & associates with a people search
When people don’t want to be found, finding accurate and updated records for right-party contact can be particularly challenging. Maybe a person is a couch surfer and isn’t connected to one address, or maybe they use a burner phone to avoid being tracked by law enforcement. Regardless of the reason, you may not be able to rely on the contact records directly attached to that person. In these situations, a good solution is often to get in contact with the person’s relatives.
With a People Search in Tracers, you can gather information about someone’s relatives and known associates, even past relatives, which you can then use to contact them and inquire about the whereabouts of the person you actually need to skip trace and get in contact with. While the records about the person you’re trying to reach may be outdated, it’s very likely that relatives will be able to provide you with information about that person’s whereabouts or accurate contact information – helping you achieve right-party contact even if that person is flying under the radar.
Use unbanked and alternative data sources to increase your right party contact rates
When trying to achieve right-party contact, people usually pull contact information from public records databases. But many public records databases only pull their records from traditional credit header data – meaning you’ll only be able to find contact information for people with credit or banking activity. Unfortunately, some people, particularly younger people, don’t have any credit or banking history. So how do you improve your chance of right-party contact for these people? By using a public records database that pulls from unbanked and alternative data sources.
Tracers pulls from a variety of unbanked and alternative data sources, like utility listings, to provide you with records on 99% of adults in the US. A utility listings search provides you with information about any person who has ever paid a utility, from phone to gas to electric, so you can get in contact with that person even if they have no credit or banking history or see if that person turned on a utility in a new place so that you can skip trace and contact them quicker. Using a public records search that pulls from unbanked and alternative data sources in addition to traditional credit header data helps increase your right party contact rates; you not only achieve right-party contact by getting contact information about people not found in traditional credit header data, but it also helps ensure the information you receive is accurate and up-to-date because the records are cross-checked with a variety of different sources.
Never miss a beat with real-time vehicle registration and up-to-date property data
When trying to improve right-party contact, you need to be sure that you’re keeping updated with that person’s information – even as situations change. And in trying to get in contact with someone, it’s common to use information about someone’s assets to link them to an address or phone number – which means you need access to asset records that are accurate and consistently updated. To ensure you’re never falling behind or chasing after outdated contact information, use a public records database with up-to-date property records data and real-time vehicle registration.
With real-time motor vehicle registration data, you can get notified of any changes in registration to vehicles that are tied to an individual and use information pulled from registration like name, address, and phone number, to achieve right-party contact quickly. And with up-to-date property data, you can get information about anyone who is tied to a property, like the mailing address of the property of the buyer and seller names, which you can then use to either contact that person directly or locate neighbors or people affiliated with the person you’re trying to reach. With real-time vehicle registration and up-to-date property data, you can cross-check information and feel certain that the records you’re using are accurate and current, helping you achieve better right-party contact – whether it’s for someone you’re looking to collect on or a customer of your business.
In any organization, no one wants to waste time reaching out to the wrong person or chasing after outdated contact information. With the right searches in a public and private records database, you can drastically improve your chances of right-party contact – helping you get your job done quickly and more effectively. Interested in seeing how Tracers can help you achieve better right-party contact? Get started today!